Sunday, July 18, 2010

Final APLS Carnival Wrap-Up: Finding community at the farmers market

At a farmers market, you fill up on far more than fresh produce. You savor a little slice of your community.

That's the message I heard from the contributors to the July APLS carnival on farmers markets.

It's the individual connections you make that breaks the mold from simply shopping to something special. Take Mrs. Green at Little Green Blog, whose relationship with an apple vendor has spanned pregnancy cravings to now the pre-teen years. "The people ...put their great energies into the things I eat, they want to know me... they show me photos of their family, they ask about my life, they pack my box, find me things, suggest new ideas and for that, I’m deeply grateful," she writes.

As for myself, I'm happy to watch those relationships build, not only for myself, but for my children, who are getting to know the very people who provide them with their food.

Robin at Simple Green Organic Happy reminds us of the connections she builds on a weekly basis, from the traditions she builds with her children to the faces she meets each week. "On the surface, we’re just getting our food for the week. But we warm ourselves in something bigger than that. Our ideals, and our health, and our community. Our kids. It’s a hell of a lot to put on a business card."

Kellie at the Green Phone Booth reminds us that while markets don't have supermarket variety, they make up for it in other ways. She writes:

Where else can you have breakfast, meet your neighbors, snack all day long,
buy handmade gifts, locally grown flowers, freshly baked bread, eat lunch with
friends you haven't seen in weeks and learn more about others in your community?
If you ask me, it's definitely worth the price of "expensive jelly."

Speaking of community, many thanks to all of you who have participated in the carnival since it launched two years ago. After a lot of thought, I've decided that this month will be the last month I will coordinate the APLS carnival. I've appreciated learning from the many voices who have shared with us these last two years.

Wishing you all the best!
Robbie @ Going Green Mama

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July topic: Farmers market faves

Visiting a farmers market or a farm stand has been one of the hallmarks of summer in my family. I can't wait for those first initial days, when the tiny starts are out, and love to see the bright colors that blossom in the heat of summer. It's all so tempting.

For July, I'd like to share your favorite farmers market experience. Is there a particular market you're tied to? A favorite memory? Favorite foods or recipes to share?

Share you memories. Email your posts to me by July 15, and we'll post our wrap-up here on July 18.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June topic: Challenges to conversationism

An interesting post on a friend's Facebook page today leads us to our next topic:

Why are we, as a nation, so resistant to the idea of conservation instead of more oil exploration? ... Yes, our lives look a lot different than years gone by but we have a lot of waste and excess that makes life cushy but is not necessary.

Weigh in! Post a comment or a blog link below. Instead of a round-up, let's just see where the conversation takes us...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back for June!

You've spoken. We'll keep it going!

I'll be posting the June topic in a few days. Given the craziness of the last month, I've had to limit my blog time.

Thanks for your patience!
Robbie @ Going Green Mama

Friday, April 23, 2010

APLS Carnival: Now what?

Back in summer 2008, the APLS Carnival kicked off as a community to discuss sustainability, greener living and more. We welcomed bloggers from around the country, and we've had some fabulous discussions on these topics and more:

Green journeys
Does Size Matter?
Children as Natural Resource
Buying Local

I've learned much from these discussions, and met a number of wonderful people along the way.

But, like a TV show that's been put on hiatus, after a lull this summer, we've struggled to get bloggers active in this community like we once had. So I'll put this question to you: What would you like to see with the APLS Carnival? Does the old method of monthly topics still appeal to you? If it does, how can we attract a larger participation? What do you think?

Share your thoughts below or shoot me an e-mail at goinggreenmama at gmail.

Robbie @ Going Green Mama

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Carnival is Live

The carnival is up over at the Green Phone Booth. Come check it out and add your two cents!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Extended Deadline for April Carnival

I'm extending the deadline for the April Carnival from today to Monday April 19th. That means you get four extra days to finish your posts! I'll be posting the carnival next Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

If you missed it, the topic is "Which is more important: personal or political action?"